Hog Story #186 – Body Blizzard
Hog Story #186 – Body Blizzard – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Laren, quirkess – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss Greater Idaho, Balenciaga X Vibram heels, lunar eclipse, Guinness World Record, your voicemails and much more! NOTES: Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-apr-22-la-et-jonimitchell-20100422-story.html Nuclear Powered Pan Sexual Trans-Orbital Plooker Visibility Day https://www.hrc.org/news/hrc-staff-celebrate-pansexual-visibility-day-2020 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Freestyle:…
Hog Story #138 Use Yes
Hog Story #138 – Use Yes – Exec. Prod., nodebit – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, UFOs of Giza, George Clooney using a Flo-Bee, a monolith on Phobos, Obama on Colbert, your voicemails and much more! NOTES Tour of Publican House Brewery Obama on Colbert George Clooney and his Flowbee…