Let’s Go Brandon (Halftime Mix)
Neither this music, nor the message(s) contained therein are endorsed by either host of the No Agenda Show. John C Dvorak specifically called for this mix to not be played after the show
Joe Biden Says (Cum Mix)
Neither this music, nor the message(s) contained therein are endorsed by either host of the No Agenda Show. John C Dvorak specifically called for this mix to not be played after the show
Hog Story #83 Pile of Pink
Hog Story #83 Pile of Pink – Exec. Prods. coldacid, Dr. Sir Mike Rotch, and radix023 – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including Bolivian spider bites, Elon’s baby’s name, Lady Gaga’s newest video, Giant Ants and much more, as well as your voicemails NOTES Cold Read https://ottawasun.com/news/weird/ancient-alligator-with-alleged-ties-to-hitler-dies/wcm/7838070b-a795-442e-9ae3-37e15a970f02 Alyssa Milano Elon Musk…
Hog Story #56 – Straight from the Pit
Hog Story #56 Straight from the Pit – Exec. Prods. – nodebit, Candy, and Krispy – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including cat nipples, facebag spy cam, the winter solstice, and your right to be protected
S1E25: Sudden Smells
Hog Story S1E25 Sudden Smells Carolyn and John discuss LSD on synth wire, movie reviews, cooking steak, Mount Everest, Biden’s IQ, and Teresa May. We also listen to your voicemails