Tag: Creative Commons

  • A Hog Story Convo: Cartography Not Included

    Carolyn and John hang out with our friend Sir Mathieu, The Bemroses! Who knows what we talked about. There’s only one way to find out for sure. Thank you for your courage in advance for listening

  • S1E42: Serve Em Roses

    Hog Story S1E42 Served Em Roses – Exec. Prod. Archduke Thomas Nussbaum – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including The Answer, Greta Thunderg, Trudeau, Black/Brown Face, Beyond Meat and announced the winner of a hot sauce!

  • Harambe Humperdink

    Harambe Humperdink – Exec. Prods. Thomas Nussbaum, Carolyn Blaney and John Fletcher – Hog Story conversation with Archduke Thomas Nussbaum of No Agenda fame. We discuss a wide range of topics including defibrilators, Harambe, Elon Musk, and so much more

  • S1E38: Blame the Cats

    Hog Story S1E38 Blame the Cats – Exec. Prod. KevBOT – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including The Amazon Rainforest, Hobbs and Shaw, Chik-Fil-A in Canada, Johnson and Johnson and much more

  • S1E35: Cool Pocket

    Hog Story S1E35 – Cool Pocket – Exec. Prod. Rob Mehner – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, Simcoe Day, our rights, Ikea ads and much more!

  • S1E32: Eating Birthday

    Hog Story S1E32 Eating Birthday – Exec. Prods. – G33ksquared, Radix023 – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, Trump Tweets, new 50 pound note and Michael Jackson’s voice

  • …And On That Note…: A Hog Story Convo

    John Fletcher and Brandi Jennings have a free-flowing conversation about whatever comes to their minds. There is some Creative Commons music thrown in as well. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • S1E7: Give Up the Good Work

  • S1E6: Sky Boat