Hog Story #356 – Barbeque Toys
Hog Story #365 – Barbeque Toys – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, boo-bury, cbrooklyn112, Vox, Sharky, SirSpencer, DuhLaurien, ablekirby, NetNed – Carolyn and Fletcher are in the smoker with Boo-bury and we discuss Lawrence Brothers’ podcast ‘Brotherly Love’, summertime memories, your voicemails and much more! You’re like Dorsey NOTES Cold read https://washingtonengager.com/2023/06/Garth-brooks-bud-light Brotherly Love Podcast https://podverse.fm/podcast/Af9x1EH3pa Full…
Hog Story #338 – Beat Actually
Hog Story #338 – Beat Actually- Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, lavish, SirSpencer, NetNed – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss what they would do if they hung out with Kim Jong Un, listen to your voicemails and much more! India did enjoy it NOTES Randy Jackson https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/info_thejacksonfamily/images/5/54/Randy_Jackson.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200529172555 Kim Jong-Un https://ca.news.yahoo.com/north-korean-leader-kim-jong-130725648.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4387422/North-Korean-dictator-imports-1million-alcohol.html Sean Connery in Zardoz https://i1.netflixmovies.com/dibsl9ebc/image/upload/w_1920,h_800,c_fill,g_faces,q_62/usoc5msmgzwhbvdhldhz.jpg Night Clubs…
Hog Story #335 – Chicks Digger
Hog Story #335 – – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Sharky, G33ksquared, Joe O’Connor, Boolysteed, Weirdo, Oma, Dirty Jersey Whore, Boo-Bury, SirVo – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss upcoming trends and continued ones, a surprise call with BillyBon3s, your voicemails and much more! NOTES Hot Liv Tyler Bangs/ No bangs https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEGA580407_021.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjdlZWM4YzAtMzg2NS00MzZhLThjY2UtZDcwZWFiMjY5YjRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE4ODQ1Mjc3.V1.jpg Tik Tok Causing Ticks Brownies…
Hog Story #308 – Sticker Face
Hog Story #308 – NOTES Vabbing World Record Pushing peanut with nose Dangerous TikTok Trend Jimmy Fallon’s has a shoe Bob Odenkirk on NPR’s Fresh Air https://www.npr.org/programs/fresh-air/2022/07/25/1113447389/fresh-air-for-july-25-2022-better-call-saul-star-bob-odenkirk-and-showrunner-pet
Hog Story #275 – Rectangle Sucker
Hog Story #275 – Rectangle Sucker – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, TW, cottongin, Able Kirby, NetNed, SirVo – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss glass armonica, caging, explicit cookies, Ancient Egypt, Liz Warren, your voicemails and much more! So fondly been a smoker NOTES Liz Warren at Boston Public Library https://www.wgbh.org/news/politics/2022/03/18/boston-public-radio-full-show-march-18-2022 Therapy Gecko Nicolas Cage Caging Glass…