Tag: podcast

  • S1E41: Hair and a Biscuit

    Hog Story S1E41 – Hair and a Biscuit – Exec Prods. ITM_OMA, G33ksquared, Stangeluck and Nodebit – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, winning art, Seinfeld on Netflix, Antonio Brown, Canadian elections and Hot Sauce winners

  • S1E40: It’s Pronounced Holy Crap

    Hog Story S1E40 – It’s Pronounce Holy Crap – Exec. Prods, Joel Blazek, GummyNerds and Cyborg Dave – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including anti-facial-recognition jewelry, Africal Swine Fever, Chick-Fil-A, and The Bahamas

  • S1E39: Do Drugs and Art

    Hog Story S1E39 – Do Drugs and Art – Exec. Prod., Grimsteak – Carolyn and John discuss many topics including, The new Joker movie, DJ RGB, a dying skunk and Netflix specials

  • S1E38: Blame the Cats

    Hog Story S1E38 Blame the Cats – Exec. Prod. KevBOT – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including The Amazon Rainforest, Hobbs and Shaw, Chik-Fil-A in Canada, Johnson and Johnson and much more

  • S1E37: Tracker In Chicken

    Hog Story S1E37 Tracker In Chicken – Exec. Prod Strangeluck and Buford T from Tennessee – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, Disney Station, Microsoft buying AI companies, Canadian National Exhibition, Starbucks Sippy Cups and much, much more

  • S1E36: Lobster Chick

    S1E36 Lobster Chick – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, Blagojevich, Dildo Newfoundland, natural science, the save icon and much more and such

  • S1E35: Cool Pocket

    Hog Story S1E35 – Cool Pocket – Exec. Prod. Rob Mehner – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including, Simcoe Day, our rights, Ikea ads and much more!

  • S1E34: Weird Week

    S1E34 Weird Week – Caroline and Johnny discuss a wide range of topics including, Garlic Fest Shooting, new Tool album, grasshoppers in Vegas, dinos in France

  • That’s the Song: A Hog Story Convo with BillyBon3s

    Carolyn and John hangout and have a casual conversation with BillyBon3s! We discuss so many things, I can’t list them all here. Artwork by BillyBon3s

  • S1E33: Convenient Hole

    S1E33 – Convenient Hole – Exec. Prods. Nodebit and Darren O’Neill – Carolyn and John discuss a wide range of topics including Opt-in organ donation, cannabis legalization, new movie characters, removing the electoral college