Hog Story #338 – Beat Actually
Hog Story #338 – Beat Actually- Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, lavish, SirSpencer, NetNed – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss what they would do if they hung out with Kim Jong Un, listen to your voicemails and much more! India did enjoy it NOTES Randy Jackson https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/info_thejacksonfamily/images/5/54/Randy_Jackson.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200529172555 Kim Jong-Un https://ca.news.yahoo.com/north-korean-leader-kim-jong-130725648.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4387422/North-Korean-dictator-imports-1million-alcohol.html Sean Connery in Zardoz https://i1.netflixmovies.com/dibsl9ebc/image/upload/w_1920,h_800,c_fill,g_faces,q_62/usoc5msmgzwhbvdhldhz.jpg Night Clubs…
Fletcher and Blaney’s Notes, Quotes, & G.O.A.T.s – Magnesium Fire
Fletcher and Blaney’s Notes, Quotes, and G.O.A.T.S – Magnesium Fire -Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Boolysteed, lavish – Carolyn and Fletcher go live after No Agenda with another musical show. We listen to music, read from the Regan-Era Encyclopedic Dictionary, listen to your voicemails and much more! Clang hoe ore wa baka NOTES Stand-Up Comedy By…
Hog Story #337 – Coming to Shove
Hog Story #337 – Coming to Shove – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, BP, coldacid, SirSpencer, DarrenO, boo-bury, cbrooklyn112, dag, marykateultra, boolysteed, AbleKirby, rdavis87, lavish, phifer – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss softcore movie titles, possessions and body parts not worth losing, your voicemails and much more! NOTES Steve Austin Beer https://chat.beanteam.org/uploads/9f6706c2e2c8c5bd/20230126_125756.jpg https://chat.beanteam.org/uploads/48954e6dac8848a2/20230126_125823.jpg 800 softcore/sexy movies https://www.imdb.com/list/ls063897187/…
Hog Story #336 – Eat Some Upgrade
Hog Story #336 – Eat Some Upgrade – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, lavish – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss all of their accomplishments, take your calls, listen to your voicemails and much more! I lived in the door NOTES Infomercials Theodore Roosevelt Doc. Ebay Vests for Fletcher https://www.ebay.com/itm/255562104095?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=w5o4j2VLRG2&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/303003241412?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hZyJEKV0Qnm&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/284102951833?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LT1a23l_Qt2&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Unemployment Benefits Hard Artist Wins Counter-Suit…
Hog Story #335 – Chicks Digger
Hog Story #335 – – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Sharky, G33ksquared, Joe O’Connor, Boolysteed, Weirdo, Oma, Dirty Jersey Whore, Boo-Bury, SirVo – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss upcoming trends and continued ones, a surprise call with BillyBon3s, your voicemails and much more! NOTES Hot Liv Tyler Bangs/ No bangs https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEGA580407_021.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjdlZWM4YzAtMzg2NS00MzZhLThjY2UtZDcwZWFiMjY5YjRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE4ODQ1Mjc3.V1.jpg Tik Tok Causing Ticks Brownies…
Hog Story #334 – Tread Life
Carolyn and Fletcher discuss old fashion things, etiquette, old fashion coffee, your voicemails and much more! I do use my sirs and my man
Hog Story #333 – Box Again
Hog Story #333 – Box Again – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, phifer, boo-bury, SirSpencer, SirVo, Boolysteed, Tom Starkweather, NedNet – Carolyn and Fletcher are in the smoker with Adam Curry from No Agenda, Curry and the Keeper and Moe Facts. We had a lot of fun. What what what’s NOTES No Agenda with Adam Curry…
Hog Story #332 – Chocolate Pants
Hog Story #332 – Chocolate Pants – Exec. Prods. nodebit, voidzero, serpent, BP – Fletcher was joined in the smoker by serpent for a Boxing Day episode, where meteorology, muppets, and many other skills were discussed, as well as your voicemails. It’s goes like baby, baby NOTES Quartz Crystals Rossby Waves https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/rossby-wave.html#:~:text=Oceanic%20Rossby%20Waves&text=Unlike%20waves%20that%20break%20along,can%20change%20Earth’s%20climate%20conditions. Saturn’s Hexagon https://www.space.com/30608-mysterious-saturn-hexagon-explained.html…
Hog Story #331 – Hooting a Boot
Hog Story #331 – Hooting a Boot – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, NetNed, aperson, johnnypautceed, HeyCitizen, cbrooklyn112 – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss personal hygiene, your personal grooming habits, your voicemails and much more! Hot dogs won’t wait a second NOTES Rare McDonald’s Game for Nintendo DS Body Care and Grooming (1948 film) How to Be…
Hog Story #330 – Golden Noises
Hog Story #330 – Golden Noises – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Medus, g33ksquared, Dirty Jersey Whore, phifer, boo-bury, HeyCitizen, baronspudthemitey, coldacid – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss the video games they have played, new video games, your voicemails and much more! I’m thinking of Lexington, Kentucky NOTES GoldenEye 007 N64 Opening GoldenEye 007 N64 Full Soundtrack…