Tag: smoking

  • Hog Story #185 – Soft Dog Red

    Hog Story #185 – Soft Dog Red

    Hog Story – #185 – Soft Dog Red – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Phoenix, phoneboy, Christopher Battles, Daniel White – Carolyn and Fletcher welcome back phoneboy in the smoker for compelling conversation. Leave a voicemail 430-201-4841

  • Hog Story #179 – But Noosh

    Hog Story #179 – But Noosh

    Hog Story #179 – Exec. Prods., NetNed, MV, coldacid, nodebit, voidzero – Carolyn and Fletcher are joined by none other than NetNed in the smoker we have a lot of laughs and listen to your voicemails! Notes: Cold Read: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/historic-life-saving-step-fda-moves-ban-menthol-cigarettes-flavored-n1265823 Cigarette Pack: