Hog Story #324 – Pain Tomato
Hog Story #324 – Pain Tomato – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, johnnypautceed, aperson, SirVo, bayerngiant, ablekirby, Boolysteed, marykateultra, cbrooklyn112, NetNed, phifer – Fletcher and Carolyn discuss sporting events that should be televised, Star Girl, She-Hulk, your voicemails and much more! Joke on the Ground NOTES Four Square https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Four-Square All muscles no neck https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tranquiltirades/images/4/47/Bo_Abobo.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20120601041022 Pickle Ball…
Hog Story #320 – Hung Out Handed Out
Hog Story #320 – Hung Out Handed Out – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, coldacid, KS, boo-bury, phifer, Boolysteed, NetNed, SirSpencer, BillyBon3s, cbrooklyn112, johnnypautceed – Fletcher and Carolyn discussed emotional dreams, the dreamscape, quantum physics, your voicemails and much more! Ted Hugged NOTES Ted X Uno Emotions in Dreams Hertz Vibration Scale https://chat.beanteam.org/uploads/df3b796e2917a42c/TEDx%20Talks%20-%20How%20to%20use%20Quantum%20Physics%20to%20Make%20Your%20Dreams%20Your%20Reality%20Suzanne%20Adams%20TEDxUNO%20%5B2RuCfTiCDjs%20-%20853×480%20-%206m07s%5D.png https://i.pinimg.com/564x/14/38/9c/14389ca64636bead29c7e23d4e5dbd73.jpg Clowns and…
Hog Story #318 – Lou Games
Hog Story #318 – Lou Games – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, serpent, Joe O’Connor – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss fall or autumn fashion trends for 2022, your voicemails and much more! Out of Hoodie NOTES Fall Fashions 2022 https://assets.vogue.com/photos/6230b37b0c75bb354d918731/master/w_1280,c_limit/00004-Alaia-Fall-22-Paris-credit-brand.jpeg https://www.vogue.com/article/nyfw-trends-fall-2022 https://assets.vogue.com/photos/6324bacb32b60f6ccb2872ad/master/w_1600,c_limit/*Tiffany%20Hsu%20NYFW%20SS23%20day%205%20by%20STYLEDUMONDE0K3A8661FullRes.jpg Japanese Twill https://www.balenciaga.com/en-us/falkon-105mm-over-the-knee-boot-light-blue-705472W29Q14007.html Alien Models https://assets.vogue.com/photos/6324bac842296b5636d3068c/master/w_1600,c_limit/*NYFW%20SS23%20day%203%20by%20STYLEDUMONDE0K3A7612FullRes.jpg Duke’s Mayo https://dukesmayonnaise.com/products/
Hog Story #309 – Inner Olivia
Hog Story #309 – Inner Olivia – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, techwipe, coldacid, KS, TW, NetNed, Phifer, SirVo – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss NPR clips, Prince of pegging, tattoos for sub sandwiches, your voicemails and much more! More than a trial NOTES Life time supply of Subway sandwich contest https://www.businessinsider.in/retail/news/a-colorado-man-got-a-12-by-12-inch-back-tattoo-of-the-new-subway-series-logo-earning-him-free-sandwiches-for-life/articleshow/93196789.cms https://newsroom.subway.com/2022-07-21-Love-The-New-Subway-Series-Prove-It-With-a-Tattoo-and-You-Could-Get-Subway-for-Life Wooly Mammoth in 2027
Hog Story #308 – Sticker Face
Hog Story #308 – NOTES Vabbing World Record Pushing peanut with nose Dangerous TikTok Trend Jimmy Fallon’s has a shoe Bob Odenkirk on NPR’s Fresh Air https://www.npr.org/programs/fresh-air/2022/07/25/1113447389/fresh-air-for-july-25-2022-better-call-saul-star-bob-odenkirk-and-showrunner-pet
Hog Story #307 – Name Soda
Hog Story #307 – Name Soda – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, ablekirby, NetNed, SirSpencer, Baronspudthemitey, Boolysteed, phifer, G33ksquared, Joe O’Connor – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss various meows, St. Andrew’s 150th anniversary tournament, the story of Frenchie, cold-reads, your voicemails and much more! Buy a life NOTES Various meows St Andrew’s 150th Anniversary Tournament Frenchie the Prostitute Cold…
Hog Story #306 – Why Zorkor
Hog Story #306 – Why Zorkor – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, IceCubeSoup, M Andrew Jones, Sharky, BoolySteed, sirspudthemitey, cbrooklyn112, phifer, SirVo – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss the aesthetics of NPR, Anti-Mexico’s Internet, law-free zone, your voicemails and much more! How do you smoke? NOTES The Aesthetics of NPR https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510053/on-point-with-tom-ashbrook/?station=WHYY_FM?station=WHYY_FM https://dcs.megaphone.fm/BUR4753764468.mp3?key=0d48b739e43aa4ee030b50da3f69d715 https://www.middlebury.edu/institute/people/alex-newhouse Logically’s Emmi Conley researches digital propaganda…
Hog Story #303 – Occupy Thursday
Hog Story #303 – Occupy Thursday – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Boolysteed, BP, GummyNerds, WidowGarrett, NetNed, SirSpencer, SirVo, phifer – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss Texas hitting the dusty trail, Wooly Mammoth, meetups, movies, your voicemails and much more! Merged from air NOTES Hairy Pachyderm https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/frozen-whole-baby-woolly-mammoth-yukon-gold-fields-1.6501128 Project UAE Beam Turtle Power https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Texas-man-catches-massive-alligator-snapping-17260603.php
Hog Story #302 – Vocal Core
Hog Story #302 – Vocal Core – Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, lavish, phifer – Carolyn and Fletcher discuss Zahi Hawass, Pubes for the Planet, celebrity podcasts, Michio Kaku, your voicemails and much more! Douche my app NOTES E, E, E, Elon Zahi Hawass Pubes for the planet https://evolutionofsmooth.com/pages/pubes-for-the-planet Michio Kaku on JRE Tim Dillon Show
Hog Story #294 – Your Booty
Hog Story #294 – Your Booty- Exec. Prods., nodebit, voidzero, Mutter, DuhLaurien, Phifer, NetNed – Carolyn and Fletcher are joined by Sir Lavish in the smoker. We talked about space water, Michelle Yeohn and your voicemails! lavage a bougie NOTES Super Golf League https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10035770-phil-mickelson-withdraws-from-2022-pga-championship-won-tournament-in-2021 Michelle Yeoh https://freshairarchive.org/segments/actress-michelle-yeoh https://www.npr.org/2022/04/25/1094606858/michelle-yeoh-everything-everywhere-all-at-once